How can I order?

We are an online-only business. You can order on the website before Monday night and receive your delivery on Saturday 9am-12pm or 12-3pm,

When is the delivery?

As of today, we deliver once a week on Saturdays. There will be a pop-up and a banner on the website every week stating the next delivery, please read them!

What is your shipping policy?

We only ship in Singapore, with a flat rate of 12$. Delivery is free for orders above 180$.

What if I am not home?

As our produce is very fresh and perishable, we do not recommend to leave it in front of your door for long periods of time. Please contact us at least one day in advance if no one is home so that we can work out a better time together.

What is the source of the products?

Our products come mostly from France, because we like to keep it close and don't want our fresh produce to travel too much. During the winter months, we may need to extend to Italy or Spain to maintain variety, but then we search for Demeter products, which is the most restrictive Organic label in Europe.

Is it really organic?

Yes, it really is. We have all the certifications. Feel free to ask for them at adriana@thegreengirl.sg. When possible, we go out of our way to select greens and farmers that are certified Nature et Progres or Demeter, that are even more restrictive than the French organic label.

Can you reuse/recycle the paper box/bag?

They are made of recycled paper, and we also use recycle paper bags to wrap up the produce. Please note that we can’t take them back as we don’t have enough storage space. Please recycle them on your end for errands or arts and crafts. Also Singapore successfully recycles cardboard and paper, just make sure that you separate it from the rest of your trash.

We are working towards more sustainability and a few ways to offset our carbon footprint, we will communicate about this soon.

How do I order wholesale?

We are very pleased to accommodate your request. Please contact adriana@thegreengirl.sg.

Any other questions?

Still wondering? Please contact us at adriana@thegreengirl.sg and we'll help!